Employing Model-Based Reasoning in Socio-Environmental Synthesis (EMBeRS)

About the EMBeRS Project

The EMBeRS project was initially conceived and launched in 2013 through the National Center for Socio-Environmental Synthesis (SESYNC). It was funded in 2015 by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Traineeship (NRT) Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) program, award #DGE-1545404. Work has continued through a number of workshops funded by several large interdisciplinary research projects, especially the Urban Water Innovation Network (UWIN) and, most recently, the InTERFEWS Graduate Program at Colorado State University.

The EMBeRS project partners:

1) environmental, geologic, and geographic scientists with substantive education experience and/or cross training in the learning sciences;
2) formally educated learning scientists who specialize in science education; and
3) faculty teaching interdisciplinary environmental science classes willing to design and test EMBeRS-based activities.